Freya’s cauldron – subscription box

There is great amount of witchy subscription boxes available for us, some of them are very good for practical witchcraft, some are more of either aesthetic purposes or more with wearable items. The prize of the boxes varies a lot, some are quite expensive, some are less costly. Freya’s box is one of those that are less pricey, for euro-area at least.


what I like about this Freya box, is that all the items in there are for use, and it seems to designed to be good for any path, not just wicca or something other. I think this particular box would be great for especially  for someone new, not that I am saying isn’t great for us that has been longer on path, it is, especially for those who has busy life and would benefit for getting monthly box with create supplies.

Anyway, let’s talk about the actual June box, shall we...


The theme of the June box was Litha, but all the items are good for other uses too. I actually didn’t have time to prepare for summer solstice, so this was awesome. I forgot to take pictures when I opened the box, and when I had time to take them, I already had used some, so I only have few pictures to share and list for the content of the box.

Freya’s cauldron, The spell keeper’s chest – the subscription box for the practicing witch

Solstice candle dressing oil (box exclusive)

This was nice addition to my oils; I don’t have many of them as I tend to do them myself and I don’t have enough patience to wait the infusing etc. I liked the cent of it, I can’t quite tell what it is, but it is nice.

Black, lime and yellow spell candles

I think these are awesome, and it seems that these are included in every box, however the colors varies. there were six candles, two yellow and lime, 3 blacks. The size of the candles is good, I think, this size of candles is called chime candle. Anyway, they have short burning length, enough place to carve symbols and are small enough not to take lot of space. I love these.

Gotu kola herb

Came with plastic container, not huge amount, but enough to use it in many things. This herb is new to me, and the box included info sheet of its properties and uses.

Litha solstice herb blend (box exclusive)

herb blend that is designed for solstices, nice cent and container box is same size as the gotu kola. I think, it is probably ok to use it for other purposes than just solstices.

Angelite tumble stone

I like these stones, I’m not collector and I tend to like more the stones I find when I go out, but it is nice to have these crystal type of stones, even though I don’t use them much in witchcraft.

Sodalite crystal chip bracelet

I seem to miss spell this name a lot :D The bracelet it nice, I can see myself wearing it as it is not showy and huge. Liked the color.

Solstice manifestation ritual kit (box exclusive)

Nice ritual kit, it had candles etc. and instruction for the ritual. The ritual suits to most of pagan paths and seems to be adjustable to suit even better. It fits to solitary and covens.

Litha sabbat card (box exclusive)

Cardboard card with sun picture on it.

Stonehenge pocket mirror (box exclusive)

This was nice little mirror, though I don’t have use for it so I’m gifting it to my nephew. The box included the mirror spell too, but it isn’t calling this particular mirror, any mirror would do just fine.

Stunning wheel of the year incense plate (box exclusive)

This one came in the right time, I was planning on finding incense stick holder, and now I don’t have need to look for it. The design is quite nice, I like these types of items really, I can keep it anywhere and I wouldn’t need to start explaining my spiritual views to others, not that I mind that, just that it is perfect for someone that is not as open as I’m.

Sun incense sticks

The cent of these are really nice, I see myself burning these just for sake of it too.


The box had info of all the items, how to use them and what they are for. I suggest that if you are from EU area and are looking for box like this, you should look into it. They do ship to outside EU though, so If you don’t mind paying the other costs that might come, this box is also for you.

This review is my own and I haven’t gotten anything from it, I have purchased the box and will continue do that.

The Freya’s cauldron has online shop too and has quite a lot good items on there. I’m planning to buy one of those plain cauldrons they have and few other items eventually, but at the moment, the actual shop has international shipping turned off. I did ask about it, and they said that it would come back soon as they had some problems with it. The owner of the shop is very helpful and nice. The store has own Facebook group and the box has group too for the subscribers.

Check out this nice small business that is specialized to witchcraft ->


