About the blog and me

Why I made this blog?

The thing is, that life itself is about learning, and you never really are ready or finished when it comes to knowledge and understanding. This blog is my way of learning, keeping track and share what I’ve learned so far. It is not just about learning pagan ways nor spirituality, this is also me learning to be better writer and be better writing in English.

As you’ve probably figured it out by now, I’m not native English speaker, in fact I suck at speaking it and I suck at speaking my native language too, talking is hard with brain like mine, you know.  However, in writing, I’m somewhat average, in both languages and with practice, I will be better.

That’s enough about that, I think, let’s move on.

Other purpose of this blog is to share knowledge and how I manage my witchy life in general, to help out others who may find my stuff to suite them or give ideas how to manage their own witchy self. I try to cover things so they can be used or altered to suit for any path, really.

But who am I?

I am Finnish native, not young but not old either. I’m in place of my life that I have gained enough knowledge and experience to know who I am. I have life partner and two sons, whom I’m very protective of. Also, I have huge family, have multiple sisters and brothers and am aunt to tree kids. I have the pleasure to be the oldest one.

I like animals, some of them, but I do appreciate all animals. There are two dogs living with me, I could say I own two dogs, but in reality, they probably own me. Me and my partner have snakes, even though I’m greatly afraid of them, not the ewww snake- type of fear but actual phobia. Even with that, I find snakes very fascinating creatures and have learned great amount of them.

As witchcraft practitioner, I like keeping things simple and low-key. Personally, I don’t do rituals much often, and most of my spell work and such are jars, bags and wish-type of crafting. I do call elements, quarters, spirits, and divine energies when I need to, but I don’t cast circles etc most of the time. I have altar and tools, but I tend to use them on other activities, not just usual work.

I personally believe that the tools are meant to be worked with, my athame, dagger shaped knife, I use it when crafting other things too, if I need to cut yarn for jewelry, I might use my athame, or my cauldron, I use it when I need to burn things, not just when working magic. But these are just my personal views of the witch tools, and it is ok if you believe something else. My altar is my working table, I do my witchcraft thing around it as I do my arts and craft too, actually, I have whole room for my all crafts, and the energy there is pretty creative.

My path is more of eclectic pagan witch, I turn towards Nordic and Celtic mythology and use traditions of Finnish folklore. I don’t work with specific deities, but I’m ready to work with when the right ones call or shows interest.  I don’t believe in threefold law nor the karma the way they are generally viewed. I do believe that everything we do has a sort of opposite action, and karma, even though I sometimes say that karma is a bitch, I don’t believe it that way. I believe that there is type of karma or justice, but you need to make things happen, nothing comes without work, usually.

I also believe that nothing appears from nothing, as in the energy is already there you just have to make it happen and when you take some, someone lose some. Like everything in life, magic is not black and white thing, if it has a color, it’s grey.

If you have questions or just need to someone to talk and don’t want to do it on comments, I read email and messages in seeker’s cottage – Facebook page, so you can contact me there or send me email to wickedsome83@gmail.com

feel free to contact me for what reason you might have 😊


