Eggshells and salt
There is quite few believe systems and traditions, where salt is associated with good luck and protection against evil spirits and such. There is great amount of superstitions that include salt and believes about salt's value in witchcraft and magical use. Salt is quite easy material to use, it is easy to get and cheap, you can buy salt from local grocery store or even might have it in your cupboard.
There are countless ways to use salt in practicing witchcraft and magic, it can be used at presenting element earth or water on altar, you can make protective circles with it, or add it among the purifying incense. You can incorporate salt with candle magic many different ways, sprinkle it to candle fire, rub it with herbs and oils or use it as the way it suits you. Salt can be used in charm-bags, combine with other ingredients including intent and focus to suitable colored cloth or bag and use it as you need.
Salt is very popular material used in protective spells, potions and brews, it is also excellent ingredient for purification, such as cleansing tools and other magical items in salt water or with delicate tools, laying them on salt bed and sprinkling salt on the floor for house cleansing. It is also said to absorb psychic energy, negative and positive, but personally I have not seen this reference much.
Black salt
Perhaps, the most known salt in witchcraft is black salt, or witches salt, and it is made with mixing salt, ash, charcoal, black pepper, burnt incense remnants and such. You can make black salt by yourself or buy it from the shop that is specialized in occult and witchcraft. Etsy has vast number of magical ingredients and other items available from several sellers.
Black salt is used for protection, traditionally it is meant to drive away evil. Black salt is great element in spells that aim to remove negativity or someone. Like, maybe you need to get rid of someone who is negative towards you or are making harmful things. It is also said to be good ingredient in hexing, cursing, and binding.
It is recommended that leftover black salt - when used in rituals and spells, should buried, or burned in fire, depending on what kind of work it was used.
Egg, in multiple traditions and folklore, presents new beginnings, as the egg when fertilized, holds a new life. The eggshell’s main purpose is to protect the new life inside the egg, and possibly, the reason why eggshells are seen as protective material. Eggshells can be used as fine or coarsely crushed powders, bigger pieces, or even as whole in charmbags, protective circles and other ways.
Whole empty, intact eggshells can be used for to make talismans, fill them with the magical ingredients such as fine ground herbs, small pieces of crystals, paint the shell with certain colors or draw symbols and sigils.
From eggshell powder mixed with flour, hot water, and optional color, you can create chalk type material and use it to draw protective symbols, sigils, and other designs.
Making eggshell powder is quite simple, you can use boiled or raw shells depending of the use and the situation concerning salmonella. You can use eggshells that you get from cooking and baking to make the powder, it is cheapest choice, - getting materials by recycle is always good. Wash the shells, clean, and remove the membranes and leave them to dry in room temperature or dry them in the oven. After the shells are completely dry, grind the shells in mortar and pestle until the coarseness of the powder suits your needs.
Eggshell powder can also be bought from occult stores and there is quite a lot of online stores selling them.
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